Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Working Out

Thank goodness that my dad and step-mom offer to watch Lila while Neil and I go to the gym to workout. Working out and running were such a big part of my life before I got pregnant. While I continued my running throughout my pregnancy, I dropped the strength training. I was so scared that I would try to do too much if I continued with it. Looking back, I'm sure I would've been fine, but now I'm glad to be back in it.

I have to thank my very good friend Alecia for sharing one of her workout plans with me. It is so much more helpful to see something on a piece of paper and know what I have to do that day. Now the challenge is going to be finding the time to do my running, which is most important to me, and also do my strength training. Yep...I gotta work that out!

Lila is already in the game showing us her muscles!

I am going to try to start reporting in my miles each day. I may do it at the end of the week though. Stay tuned and let's see how quickly I can build up my miles again!

30 Days of LOVE update :)

Day 8: I love Neil because he makes time to do things with me. Even after he's been at work all day and probably just wants to be alone (in fact, I know he wants to be alone at the end of the work day...he's told me).

Day 9: I love Neil because he takes care of our finances. Enough said...he is a SAINT for doing this!!!!

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