Now that I'm on my second child I feel like I am able to watch for symptoms better than I was with Lila. I was kinda clueless whether she was getting sick or not and I had NO idea what to do even if she was getting sick. I don't know if it's experience or confidence, but whatever it is, I feel like I can get the situation under control better this time around.
As many of you know, ear infections and teething go right together. This is when the trouble started for Lila and the poor girl has had 2 sets. I feel just awful for her. I've been using doTERRA essential oils for several months now. My friend who introduced them to me once wrote a blog post on how she cured her son's ear infection with essential oils. Read about it here. When I read this, I just thought, no freakin' way! There's no way that that could happen. I had the intention to start using them, but never thought I'd be using them for something like this, I would so just take my kid to the doctor.
Then, three months later we get thrown into teething hell. Two weeks ago I could tell how fussy Vivian was and, again being a little more seasoned and maybe even more attentive to my children's needs, I noticed her grabbing her ears a little. Not really pulling or anything, just had her hands up by them way more than usual. My first thought was yep...we've got an ear infection coming. She's teething and that's when Lila always got her's. Then it occurred to me...I've got melaleuca. I'm going to try and rub that behind her ears and just see where this goes. I did it a couple times a day for a couple days. Watched her behavior, constantly checked her for a fever, nothing....she was no longer grabbing her ears, she was still kinda fussy, but hey, she had a sharp object popping through her poor gums. BUT SHE WASN'T GRABBING HER EARS ANYMORE. I wowed myself. I knew that there was fluid in there. I had been through that before. I knew that if the fluid didn't drain or dry up, it would more than likely turn to an ear infection. I solved the problem before it even became the problem.
For the essential oils, for me, seeing is believing. It wasn't that I didn't believe my friends blog, but I had to have that situation happen to me and solve it for myself. I think a lot of people are like that. If I was to freak out and take her to the doctor when I did, it would have been a $30 co-pay only for them to tell me that there was just fluid, it wasn't infected (YET) and there was nothing they could do. Then in 5-7 days (I know the routine so well), the fluid would not only still be there, but would have turned into an infection and I'd find myself at the doctor again with another $30 copay and around $15 worth of antibiotics.
Melaleuca is about 8 cents a drop. So treating the fluid this time cost me around 64 cents, when it could've cost around $75 if it would have turned into the EI. I like that a lot better and my husband the nurse likes it too. He also likes the fact that an ear infection didn't cause us to appear in the ER. LOL
If Vivian would've gotten sicker and the oils wouldn't have worked, I would not have hesitated to go to the doctor. I don't know about you, but I don't like going to the doctor, especially during cold and flu season.
If you would like more information about essential oils and wellness, email me at