Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Keep on truckin'...

Today I'm 37 weeks which many obstetricians consider "full term".  Basically all this means is that if I went into labor now, they wouldn't try to stop me.  If I had a baby now, she would more than likely be fine.  However, the longer she stays in the better it is for her lungs and the more chance she had to pack on some fat.

I'm still running, but my dear friend Alecia has taken over my spin class.  It was getting a little hard to lean forward on the handle bars and perform the sprints.  My classes were consisting mostly of hills at this point.  Hee hee!  Since it's been nicer outside, I've been getting to play, do yard work, and run.  I've also been taking Lila on walks...which sometimes she loves and sometimes she hates.

Speaking of the big sister, she's about as ready as I am to have this baby.  She asks all the time about Baby Sister and tells me what she's going to do to help.  I'm hoping that her being here will still bring out the same feelings that Lila has for her now.  :)  She really is going to be a great big sister, I think.

So now...if anyone who is reading my blog has ANY tips on handling the first days/weeks of a newborn and toddler, please comment!  I'd love to hear what worked or didn't work for you.  We are so excited about the newest addition and very anxious for her arrival!  Also, I guess at this point, you may as well put any name suggestions in the hat too!  LOL  Nothing too trendy or too weird.  I like old-fashioned, classical names.

Have a wonderful day!


  1. The beginning is tough, especially if you are nursing and trying to focus on that, but the good thing is that the baby will sleep a lot :) I just tried to make Lyla feel special and important and would ask her to help me with special tasks or to have her nurse or change her baby doll with me.

    Charlotte, Livia, Liana, Fiona, Phoebe, Alice, Kiera, Anna, Nora, Evelyn, Carolyn, Kate, Violet, Scarlette, Vivian, Josephine, Ariana, Penelope, Cecelia, Victoria.

    Good luck! Excited for you!
