All babies go through teething, but I feel like this has been extra hard for us because Lila hardly ever cries. She has been throwing more fits lately before bedtime, but really, she is a very happy baby. Not so much since about Thursday night. At some point in the middle of the night, the teething monster broke into our house (we didn't hear him) and sneaked into Lila's room and held her hostage. He's still holding the poor girl hostage until we can make this tooth pop through. Hopefully, this will be soon because we keep telling him he's not welcome in our house.
It seems to be coming in a little more everyday, but just not quick enough. After a fabulous 4 day weekend, Mom and Dad were not ready to go back to work, let alone have to struggle to stay awake at work. I decided today that it is like having a newborn again. Up every couple hours, the thing about the newborn is, usually they just want to eat and then go back to sleep again.
I think this post was really more like a venting place as I really haven't given you any good information. The next post (hopefully) will be that a tooth has come through and maybe that will be tomorrow. We can only hope. Thanks for you ears! Y'all are too kind!
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