Thursday, August 5, 2010

Third Tri=First Tri????

So I'm finding that the 3rd trimester is very similar to the 1st trimester, with the exception of being big and uncomfortable.  I'm just as tired now as I was for the first several weeks of the pregnancy.  I find that when I get home from work, the only thing I want to do is take a nap.  Now, for those of you who know me, my naps aren't like normal naps.  They are more like 3-4 hour naps.  This feels so good at the time, but then when bedtime rolls around, I'm completely thrown off.  I find myself tossing and turning for an hour just to fall asleep, then 30 minutes later up again for a bathroom run!

I've read lots of material, as most women do during their first pregnancies.  Most of them say that it's kind of split on the women who have all kinds of energy in the 3rd ti and those of us who are struggling to make it home from work before we fall asleep.  I kept hoping that I was going to be one of those who could just go go go, but I guess I have to face the fact that I'm not! :(

My baby shower is this weekend and like many other knocked up women out there who have created registries, I've been stalking it since the day the invites went out.  My mom thinks I'm spoiling it for myself, but I told her, that I still don't know who got what.  It's still going to be quite surprising to receive all these gifts.  The only part I have a problem with at showers is having all the attention on me.  Now I know, that's what a shower is and if I had it my way, I wouldn't have one, but my family and friends have convinced me that it's the right thing to do.  So I'm putting my big girl panties on and taking one for the team (by team, I mean're welcome husband!).

We got our changing table this past week from another set of Grandparents (Thanks Grandpa and Judi).  Now we have somewhere to change the stinky butt!  Not that we couldn't have gotten by without it, but it's also great for storage.  Now I can put all the clothes in there that I've been getting in trouble for buying!  Sorry Neil, but our baby has to have clothes. :)  Do you want her to have to go places in just a diaper?

At 32 weeks, time is ticking away quite quickly!  Once we get the things from the shower, it will be THAT much more real and we'll be ready to go.  Now to imagine how our lives will be flipped upside-down.  It will be GREAT!  I'll try to get some pics up in my next post, which I promise will not take me 2 weeks to get up here!

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