Monday, June 27, 2011

Little Mover!

Now that Lila has learned that she CAN crawl, she's doing it all the time. She goes all over the place to get the things she wants. A.K.A Anything electronic! She is currently throwing a fit because she can't get to my computer. Well let me rephrase that. She can get to the computer, I just won't let her have it. Life is terrible for a little girl who doesn't get her way!

Daddy is going to give her a bath right now, that she's probably not gonna like. For some reason she gives Neil a terrible time during bath-time and post bath-time. It usually ends in, "You take her, she hates me!". LOL She's a mess.

Over the last couple weeks she will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and sit up. I have heard of other babies that do this. I've been told that if you just let them cry they will eventually lay back down and go back to sleep. I don't know. I'd rather go lay her back down and get my sleep! :) I'm such a selfish mom.

Today, my Aunt Lisa and little cousin Halle watched Lila. She got up really early and drove halfway to work with Dad. I didn't hardly get to see her this morning because she was still sleeping when they left. I was so happy to see her stinky little butt when I got off work. I did, however, treat myself to a run, BY MYSELF, right after work before I went to get her. It was so nice to get to go for a run and not have to push a stroller. I love spending time with her, but moms need their alone time too!

I hope that everyone has a great week and I hope to post more pictures on my next blog post!

Also, I felt the need to share the song that is being sung in the bathroom right now while I sit out here and blog. I hope it puts a smile on many faces! "My name is Lila. I have blonde hair. Boom Boom Boom." :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

9 months.....

I first want to apologize for taking so long to make another post! I'm just getting awful at trying to keep it up. To think, originally I wanted to do this every couple days. Now here we are two and a half weeks later! is just crazy busy these days. That tends to always be the case in summer though.

So since the last time I wrote, we've been to weddings, birthdays, Neil's first Father's day, and much more. I'll try to brief everyone on what's been going on.

We made it to Brad and Michelle's wedding, which was beautiful and so much fun! We got to roll around the University of Illinois campus, where I went to school for a year, and see so much fun stuff!

Lila was such a good girl, talking to all kinds of people and distracting them from the wedding! She was a dancing machine too. Our first time staying in a hotel was not really the greatest experience. Lila just started sleeping really good again about a week and a half before the stay. Being in an unknown location for two nights in a row and also the fact that she was in the room with us, was just not a good combination. She doesn't wake easily, but it's hard to really get to sleep in the first place when so much is going on. All in all, it was a pretty fantastic weekend!

She's been going to my Dad's house at least one day a week this summer. You can bet she gets worn out there. Connor always keeps that baby busy. They go to the gym, they run around the house; there's always something going on. The first day she went, I got this video from my Dad. I was literally laughing out loud for about 10 minutes at my office.

It was only moments later that I received this picture. It says it all!

I got so tickled at this. Poor thing was worn completely out. It showed too. She napped when she got home until like 7:00 that night and then barely ate (must have been too much work) then crashed again at like 8:30. What a mess. Since then, she's gotten use to all of the activity that goes on in that house! :) GOOD TIMES!

We went for the big 9 month check-up last week as well. Everything is great! No shots which is always a great thing. She also has lost a pound in the last month. Must be all that extra work she's doing at Grandpa's! I had expressed some concern to Dr. Matt that she was not even trying to crawl. This was a little over a month ago. I have been convinced since then that she just wasn't going to crawl. She hates being on her stomach and throws a big fit when we try to make her. She is, on the other hand, trying and wanting to walk. Holding our fingers, she will walk all over the place.

Well.............she just had to prove mom wrong. As she usually does, if you remember the rolling over story! Oh well, that's just fine by me. Saturday night she just decided that she was gonna do it. She's got kind of a crab walk. She goes forward at a diagonal angle. :) It's too cute. She doesn't get much practice at my Dad's because everyone wants to hold her...all the time! I'm thinking that she'll really perfect her skills being at the babysitter all day and wanting to chase those other kids around. We'll see how much this crawling business makes mommy crazy! Here's a couple videos. Please ignore Neil and I talking! haha

I'm going to be trying my best to get another post sooner rather than later this time!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Little Swimmer

Right now, I'm loving being a mom more than anything. Lila's at that stage where she knows Neil and me, knows that we are her lifelines, and prefers us. I know this could potentially be a bad thing, but right now I'm just lovin' the hugs and snuggles that I'm getting. She is trying new things every day. She ate a hamburger last night! (Not the whole thing, but she did take leftovers to the babysitter today)

She's getting braver every day too. She will move from her play stand to a foot stool and then to me. She has to be really brave to do this, but she's done it a couple of times. She is trying to putt up and got brave enough a couple nights ago, then fell so she hasn't done it since. We help her and show her that she can do it and I think it's starting to help a little.

My baby that hates to be on her stomach is sleeping on her stomach for a majority of the night. She cracks me up. She is just exploring and getting to know so many different things, it's amazing.

So last week when I blogged, we were preparing for Medley and Clay's wedding. It was expected. We snapped a couple pictures, but honestly, we got so busy with everything I forgot to take many pictures. I have to get better about this!

This picture looks distorted...or maybe I just look funny!

This girl LOVES her daddy!

Last night I took Lila up to my Grandma's to swim because the water has FINALLY gotten warm enough to actually get in. OMG....she LOVED it! I mean, loved it! Grandma Jane had this baby raft floaty thing and I put her in it and I thought she would be unsure. No way. She smiled and laughed and kicked her legs and moved around everywhere. She loves baths so I shouldn't have been surprised, but really baths and swimming are totally different. I'm so so so happy that she likes it. Swimming is a great part of our summer so she must've known that she had to like it to "be" in our family!

Here's a couple more pictures from this weekend and her first big pool experience!

Diving for rings

Thanks for spiking my hair, Mom!

Playing with Cousin Ally (they were sharing really well)
She was teaching her the colors

Finally in the big pool! KICK KICK KICK

Aunt Hannah, take my picture! I'm a big girl!

So this weekend we have another long weekend. Tomorrow we leave for Champaign to go to another wedding. Neil is in this wedding. The last one of his buddies to tie the knot! So we're leaving early to get there for the rehearsal dinner and I'm just hoping that Lila will survive it all. She is truly an amazing baby. She most always seems to be on her best behavior. We joke that she's the kind of baby that suckers you into wanting another one. :) I think she will be great, I just hope she doesn't have trouble sleeping in the hotel with 6 other people. We will take the Pack N Play, but she's been sleeping like a rockstar and I hope this doesn't break the trend.

Hopefully I'll have more pictures to post next week from this wedding!