Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

In the words of N'Sync, "It's a wonderful feeling. Feel the love in the room from the floor to the ceiling. It's that time of year, Christmas time is here."
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas. I love to see how much giving goes on during the holiday season. Whether it's monetary or not, people are just wonderful this time of year. This always stops to make me think, "why is it only during this time of year that people can be nice?".

As a child, you're always on your best behavior because Santa is on his way and if you want him to bring you something, you better watch out and you sure as hell better not cry. Or maybe the Belsnickel is watching you from the window reporting back on how you've been acting. Who wants to mess with that guy anyway? Not only do you have to worry about presents under the tree, but also you have to worry about your stockings...

Then you get a little older and although your thoughts may have changed a little, you still behave, knowing that this isn't the time to get in a huge argument with your parents. Then you get even older and if you didn't start realizing it in your teens, you surely have by now. All people don't have the same kind of Christmas that you and your family have. So you go out of your way to make it better for them. This really makes you feel good. But why is it only during Christmas that we do these good deeds? We can be "good deed doers" all year round. Those people that don't have anything at Christmas, have just the same in May or August.

Now I'm just as guilty as the next person, but this year I'm going to make a conscious effort to help those in need all throughout the year. Maybe I can help someone at the grocery store with something or maybe I can go to my grandma's and help her out around the house. It doesn't always have to involve money. A simple good deed can turn a person's day right can turn yours around too. :)

On another note, this year is Lila's first Christmas and while she's still too young to know what's going on, we still want to make it special for her. We got her one present, basically because she doesn't need anything right now and we know that everyone else will probably go overboard. I really hope that no one got her anything that is BIG or MAKES NOISE! If you did, and you know who you are, those lovely presents will be staying at your house for when Lila comes to visit! So just start making room! :)

Last year, Neil and I had a huge Christmas. We really overdid it. We both surprised each other with stuff. I got him a PS3, which he had been saying he wanted since like October. He really thought he wasn't getting it. I did a pretty good job of faking it. He got me a Wii. I seriously couldn't believe it! So we did pretty good last year. This year we pretty much know that we're on a budget and we are focusing on our families. We have been so blessed with the greatest family and wanted to get them some small gifts showing them how much we appreciated everything they have done for us this year, especially since Lila was born.

I cracked....I always do. I'm a "present-getter". I just have to do it. Ever since I got my new phone, Neil has been saying that he liked mine better than he like his. He's been up for a contract renewal for a long time and just hasn't gotten a new phone. So I did it! I just couldn't help it! I knew he would love it! I feel like, "he's my husband and I SHOULD get him something". Maybe it was from watching my parents (my dad has always been really good about getting gifts for my mom and now step-mom), but I just feel like I should get him something. Back to the phone...I did good. He's obsessed with it! :) It's a Samsung Fascinate and it's truly the greatest phone ever!!! I got it at BestBuy, where they are on SUPER SALE. If you're up for a renewal, you seriously need to go there! Right now they are so much cheaper than Verizon!

I will try to post before Christmas, but I just wanted to make sure I said this at some point!

Merry Christmas to all of you! I wish you all the best!

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