Saturday, December 4, 2010

Basketball Season

It's finally here. The time we've been waiting for since last march! My little brother, or maybe I should say, my YOUNGER brother, because he's not very little anymore is finally back at it. The season started on Monday with a tournament all week. So far they're 3-0. Great way to start the season if you ask me. So far, Lila LOVES the games. She just adores the bright lights and the squeaky sounds of the shoes on the floor. She doesn't even mind the buzzer, with the exception of the first few times she heard it.

I'm so happy that it's basketball season because now we have something to do on the weekends. Although it's going to be quite the adventure getting Lila to all the ballgames...every weekend...on time, it's going to be great!!

I woke up this morning after Lila and I cuddled for about 4 hours and she ate and sat in her seat watching The Flintstones and I looked at her and she looked like a completely different baby. She's growing so much, but today I could really tell! She was sitting in her boppy yesterday like such a big girl!!! We'll be celebrating her first birthday before know it. :(

Now she's trying to get fussy, so I'll end this post and go get her ready for another ballgame tonight.


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