Friday, February 8, 2013
"You make me so happy"
Oh my. Lila has been a nut lately. "Cause" is her new word. She hardly ever uses it correctly in a sentence, but she gets her head moving and her attitude going and it's "cause" this and "cause" that. Anytime I ask her to do something, after a yes or no comes out of her mouth, it's followed by a "cause" and brief explanation as to why that was her answer. This explanation almost always has nothing to do with what we were talking about to begin with.
Now this morning we were in the car on the way to school and I was asking her what she thought she might do at school today. "Cause my friends not there, Momma". I told her that they would probably be there today and that they would have lots of fun playing. Then there were the words that just make you feel so special to be a mother! "Momma, you make so happy. Cause, I'm missing my pieces. My friends...cause my pieces at school not there." It could've just broken my heart that her "pieces" are missing. I mean, I guess I never really thought how good of friends you can have at that age. Turns out that her friend Ky'Lynn really wasn't at school yesterday. :( But it made me feel better that I make her so happy. I'm so hormonal, I'm quite shocked that I didn't start crying.
That's my little Lila bit for today.
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